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  • 3/24/2014

    Scientific theory is crazy: you could be in fact a reflection of our universe to other universes?!

    CAUTION: To read this topic you need to eat a cup of coffee first and then taking a deep breath to focus .. 

    Imagine the following picture: 
    All we know about the universe and what we see around us in ourselves and with us is not the fact of the universe, it is just a picture Hologeramih (a reflection of three-dimensional) to other universes, flat and small-like the "Flash Memory" which contains data describing everything that happens in the universe!! ! 
    I'm not talking about science fiction is exaggerated, but for a new scientific theory reached a theoretical physicist Joan Maldasena!

    The origin of this theory is bizarre to the year 1997, when disclosed Maldasena for the first time, but they were met with shrugged in the global community even corroborated mathematically a group of Japanese scientists, to float this theory again on the surface and spoke great condition of controversy in the scientific community after publication in the journal Nature. 
    The theory that we live in a universe of 10 dimensions (9 of the place and one of time), and everything in the universe consists in reality of Uttar super tiny, these tendons in fact is a reflection of three-dimensional events registered in other universes smaller and flatter.

    (Imaginary image of the universe since its inception) 

    Scientists have proved mathematically that there is a "likelihood" that the principle of an acceptable reflection of true three-dimensional mathematical model of hand! 
    And can be likened to the credit card that you use in the bank or to buy from stores, they are just slice a small flat but contain data describing everything about you, so scientists assume that everything that happens in the universe is a reflection of the universes flat look as "Flash Memory" big describes what occurs in the three-dimensional universe!

    The strength of this scientific discovery is strange in that it confirms the superstring theory, which is an old theory suggests that the origin of everything in the universe is a tiny vibrating strings of ultra-high-frequency, and vibrations vary depending on the material that produces them. Confirms the theory of the universe Alhologerami superstring theory and answer the contradiction between the theories of Einstein's theories of quantum mechanics. The scientists proved it mathematically correct! 

    A crazy idea, but it may be true in the world proves to us day after day that it may be the strangest of the most craziest our fantasies! ..

    Source: nature

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