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  • 3/24/2014

    Three-dimensional works of art: When you return the books to life and tells her stories!!

    Our world is beating a lot of artists and creators discerning who may have turned a lot of things that you may forget and become old may not be worth anything when so many of us to the amazing works of art equal to express much much more ..

    It is these artists discerning artist "Judy Harvey Brown" from Pennsylvania, which has re-written the life of the ancient through the leaves and cut the work of three-dimensional sculptures by great beauty.

    Which drew inspiration for us to create amazing sculptures of the same old books and stories to tell and contained inside As you see, and you will Deeds has carved for example in the form of a ship or a dragon or a mermaid and is the same that has been told in all the books.

    Judy and says: "I've always loved art, and I'm always fond of reading. The books take you to new worlds, art and lets you see the world. Was logical for me to try to be incorporated together Monday, this was for a way to make books come to life literally, must come out of art through the pages of books and if the books tell the story herself. What we read and imagine must be available for us to see. Therefore, my way of sculpture and the work of art using books aim is to make the stories come back from death to life, or the dark. "

    Dear welcome you in my own world

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